English (Reading)


Read to a family member.

Read your Year 2 common exception word mat.

Practise the days of the week/ months of the year.

Practise your phonics sounds.

Visit phonics play and play on the free games.

Log into Education city and explore the English section.

English (Writing)


Choose a picture and write sentences that has the following:

  • Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Using ‘because’ or ‘and’ in a sentence.
  • Use a question mark or exclamation mark.
  • Using ‘because’ or ‘and’ in a sentence.
  • Write Year 2 common exception words.
  • Use adjectives to describe.




Practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.


Go on a 3D shape hunt.


Solve addition problems using dienes: e.g 24 + 15 =


Use dienes to make the bigger number then take the smaller number away. 47 – 24 = ?


Puzzle code name: Write the number that represents each letter e.g. A=1, B=2, Then write your first name in code e.g. Ben would be 2/5/14.  Can you write a coded message for a friend?   



Explore the mini beast microhabitats in your garden.


Create a weather report.


Create a cloud in a jar: https://www.giftofcuriosity.com/weather-science-how-to-make-a-cloud-in-a-jar/





Drawing - 


Silhouette - 

Examples - http://www.newdaleschool.org.uk/the-great-fire-of-london-artwork/  

 Instructions - https://www.willingham.cambs.sch.uk/blog/?pid=6&nid=6&storyid=148 










Complete a Joe Wicks workout.


Play in your garden.


Run up and down the stairs 5 times. Feel your heart beat, what does it feel like?



  • Throwing a ball
  • Catching a ball
  • Rolling a ball




Plan your own collective worship.


Draw a picture of Mary.


Write your own prayer to St Joseph.

Design and Technology


Create a house which would be found in a 1666 street during the time of the Great fire of London. 


Create a great fire of London is a shoe box scene. 





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