St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

‘following Jesus in all we do’

Curriculum Intent


At St Joseph’s, we are driven by the desire to prepare our children for lifelong learning. We offer a rich and vibrant curriculum which is ambitious and faith filled. We strive to give our children a school experience where they are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities in order for them to succeed and achieve the best that they can be. Our curriculum focuses on five main aims:


S - skills based learning

M – memorable learning

A – accessible learning

R – reflective learning

T – transformative learning.


Our curriculum focuses on the child as a whole and not just the child as an academic, ensuring it gives our children a wealth of opportunities to find their place in this world. We advocate not only British Values, but those of the Catholic faith and these are embedded into the planning and implementation of our curriculum.


Curriculum Implementation


At St Joseph’s we have ensured that our curriculum balances the national expectations with a range of experiences which allows our children to flourish. Clear strategic planning has enabled us to design a curriculum which focuses on our learners acquiring relevant subject knowledge which underpins the progression of skills. These skills are carefully mapped out across key stages and subject area. Knowledge is consolidated and built upon to support retention and recall. This ensures that our children leave St Joseph’s with key skills and information which we feel is going to support them to continue to be successful in the future.


Curriculum Impact


The impact of our curriculum is evident in those leaving with a secure understanding of academic content as well as with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally aware. Our children will strive to make positive contributions to their local community and be the best that they can. Our main aim is for all our children to leave St Joseph’s as skilled, respectful, and ambitious individuals with a zest for life and all it has to offer.


Roles and Responsibilities

The Headteacher and Governing Body have overall responsibility for the Curriculum, supported by the Curriculum Leader.

The Curriculum Leader is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the Curriculum through:

  • Regular formal and informal discussions with staff.
  • Monitoring planning to ensure curriculum coverage.
  • Carrying out book scrutinies alongside planning to ensure cross-curricular links are optimised.
  • Observing learning and teaching to ensure progress is being made within the topics.
  • Regular reviews of the curriculum through staff and pupil questionnaires and open dialogue.
  • Making changes where necessary.
  • Formulating an action plan to move the school forward.
  • Carrying out pupil interviews about their learning.

All teaching staff are responsible for the planning and delivery of the curriculum on a day-to-day basis and for making cross-curricular links where appropriate.  Staff make amendments to planning in order to optimise learning opportunities when they arise.


It is expected that all children will be given the opportunity to learn in a creative and encouraging learning environment which encompasses a range of learning and teaching styles.  All children are entitled to this as part of the ECM agenda.  It is hoped that this approach will motivate and support children’s learning at all levels including the Able and Talented, EAL and children identified with a Special Educational Need (SEN). Above all we demand, monitor and support all staff in delivering ‘first quality teaching’ to achieve good progress and attainment for all pupils at St Joseph’s regardless of their abilities.

Monitoring and Review

Monitoring and review takes place on a regular basis in accordance with the School Development Plan and in accordance with the Performance Management Policy.

Children's achievements are celebrated regularly through the school newsletters, assemblies, displays in classrooms and shared areas, structured play and interactive displays in assemblies.   

To  see your child's curriculum overview please go to their class page