Pupil  of  the  Week



Daniel – For your hard word and determination on TTRS. You are a Math Wizard!








       Golden Certificates


Shawn  - For always making us smile with your enthusiasm towards everything! You have an amazing work ethic and are a pleasure to teach! 

Ryan  - For working very hard on your phonics this term and coming to school with a smile everyday! 

Paddy  - For making us laugh everyday with your brilliant sense of humour. You are a delight to have in Year 1 and a great asset to our school.





Aiden - For trying really hard in all areas of learning. You have impressed us with your work ethic! 

Skylar - For all the extra reading you are doing at home. It is helping you grow in confidence!

Morgan - For your amazing independence in reading, writing and maths. Your big write Wombat piece was super!

Hanna - For being a busy a beaver and helping keep the classroom tidy and ready for learning! 

Eva - For your effort in PE. You have mastered some great turn taking skills.