St Joseph's School Parliament.

Our Aim

  • To generate ideas
  • To share ideas through debate
  • To decide on an agenda
  • To provide minutes open to all pupils
  • To develop an action plan
  • To make a positive difference to our school community.
  • To make a positive difference to our community.

School parliament is to improve the school using pupils ideas. All the members have a responsibility to meet together regularly, listen to our classes and participate and lead in some school projects. In the past we improved the pond area and won a community award.

We are planning a no plastic week which will include building a greenhouse with plastic bottles and trying to ban plastic straws from our milk provider which hopefully will create a change for Worcester. We feel passionate about this subject and small changes make a big difference.

All the students who have been in the School Parliament in the past have left with a positive attitude, more capable leadership qualities and role models towards younger children and friends.

Wrote by the School Parliament members 


School parliament was fortunate enough to go see the mayor, at the mayor’s parlour in the Guildhall. They visited the mayor after being invited by the mayor himself. He even served us juice and biscuits himself! They also got a very detailed and historical explanation of what everything was and why it was there. Our parliament got to see lots of historical artefacts including the seat that Queen Victoria sat on! They were fortunate enough to even touch and hold some of the artefacts! All of them thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


School parliament have created a greenhouse out of used plastic bottles. The bottles had to be sorted, labels removed, washed, cut and then put together to create the greenhouse.