Reception Summer Pudding assembly.


The Reception children have been gifted a bag from Mrs Bury. Each element of the bag represents our faith journey at St. Josephs:

Prayer Book –Prayer is a way of relating to God, to ourselves, to those around us

A candle – Jesus is the light of the world

St. Joseph’s Prayer Card – our school prayer

St. Joseph’s pencil – new deeds and creativity

Prayer Stone – for the children to hold at home when they prayer together. 


In our first assembly in Reception Mrs Bury shared her summer pudding, which always reminds her of our school. Each part of the summer pudding represents our amazing school:

Bread – is like the walls of our school, which keep us safe

Mixture of berries – all the different children and adults in our school

Sugar – is the love that we share with one another

The juice of the berries – all the kindness, support and care pouring out of us to one another

Time – patience

Separately all the ingredients will be fine but when we put them all together we can make something special.


Dear Lord

Help us be the sweetness that makes the juice that brings us all together.
